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Join date: Jun 28, 2022


Can Humans Transmit Pink Eye To Cats

Human pink eye is not contagious to dogs or cats. The vast majority of pinkeye in humans is caused by a virus called adenovirus. While dogs can get adenovirus, it is a different kind of virus. The virus that causes pinkeye cannot spread from people to pets and vice versa. There are some people that can get a bacterial type of pinkeye.

Yes, you can catch conjunctivitis from your cat. However, it is not transmitted through the air. While your cat's eyes are infected be especially careful to wash your hands after touching him (either to pet him or to put medication in his eyes.) And be sure to keep your hands away from your own eyes. In cats, infections are the most common cause of conjunctivitis. Here are some infections that can lead to pink eye in cats: Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), also know as feline herpesvirus – This upper respiratory infection can also cause eye.

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